Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. -- Wendell Phillips
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Sunday, December 26, 2004

In Pennsylvania, God or Darwin...Again??!!

Well, there is that battle we keep referring to in this blog. The article Evolution Shares a Desk With 'Intelligent Design' points to the many dimensions this issue takes. The battle of fundamentalism and beliefs against science. We have said many times that this site got started to lend our support to the BOE decision to approve the new Health Education curriculum, that has turned into the "sex education curriculum" because lately sex has gained some prominence in our minds. But we have also said many times that this is not about "sex," "a condom demonstration," or even defend the rights of homosexuals to life their lives to their fullest and of our kids to now that, in case they have not noticed yet, there exist people that are homosexuals, and nuclear families who are constituted by two mothers, or two fathers... This is not ONLY about any of that, this is about the rights of our children to be educated in a scientific environment that leaves "beliefs" aside, and focuses on facts as we know them now, and as the scientific community have come to a consensus on them.

We have already discuss here that the word "theory" as understood by the scientific community is not just a conjecture or hypothetical proposition - actually, hypothesis are proved or disproved and the proved ones becomes theories - that can sit next to another bunch of suppositions, but theories in sciences are considered the truth until proved otherwise.

The theory of relativity, the theory of evolution.

Now the Board of Education in a small town in Pa. has decided to approve the teaching of the theory of evolution, next to the teaching of the belief in intelligent design -something that even the leaders in the proposition of that are against because they consider it does not have enough scientific backing as it stands now:
The Discovery Institute in Seattle, which is regarded as a leader in intelligent design theory, also opposes the Dover school board's policy in part because it seems to take three steps into old-fashioned creationism. "This theory needs to be debated in the scientific sphere," said Paul West, a senior fellow. "It's much too soon to require anyone to teach it in high school."

What's more impressive here is the fact that it seems we are now willing to vote in what should be considered science and what should be taught in schools, etc.
This lady says she would prefer to believe, but when did it happen that one could prefer what the truth is in matters of science?
DOVER, Pa. -- "God or Darwin?"

Lark Myers, a blond, 45-year-old gift shop owner, frames the question and answers it. "I definitely would prefer to believe that God created me than that I'm 50th cousin to a silverback ape," she said. "What's wrong with wanting our children to hear about all the holes in the theory of evolution?"

Then, others say that the "majority" don't believe in evolution. Well, my daughter would love that the majority do not believe in maths so she could opt out of it, but as of now, she has a tough luck with that one. Science, regardless of what Bush opinion may be on the matter, can not be decided on election day...(Thanks GOD for that one!!)
Many here speak of a personal relationship with Christ and of their antipathy to evolutionary theory (A Gallup poll found that 35 percent of Americans do not believe in evolution). Steve Farrell, a friendly man and owner of a landscaping business, talked of Darwin and God in the Giant shopping center parking lot.

"We are teaching our children a theory that most of us don't believe in." He shook his head. "I don't think God creates everything on a day-to-day basis, like the color of the sky. But I do believe that he created Adam and Eve -- instantly."

Back in the town center, Norma Botterbusch talks in her jewelry store, which has been a fixture here for 40 years. "We are a very lenient town," she said. "But why should a minority get to file a lawsuit and dictate school policy? Most of our kids already know who created them."


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